It is time for restaurants to change the paradigm and take water seriously. What we demand in fine dining is a water menu. Depending on style and scope, such a water menu should be curated and reflect the restaurant's style, food, and scope consisting of five to 20 waters. By curated, we mean not just buying the 10 waters that are the cheapest and easiest to get. One needs to look at the menu and, together with the chef, create an offering of waters that accompanies the restaurant dishes perfectly. The water menu should have suggestions and options for celebrating with water or enjoying a meal without alcohol. There should be attention paid to the bottled water etiquette, stemware, serving temperature, and education of the wait staff to inform and guide the guest's choices.
What can you do, you ask?
Demand a choice of water when you're in a fine dining situation, tell the staff that you can buy San Pellegrino, Panna, or Evian at the gas station for $1, and that you deserve a better choice and attention paid to the water service.
Post your experience on social media. If we all do this, we will have great experiences with water in a restaurant soon. Otherwise, we will be bored with the same old choices forever.
"Fine Water is a natural product with terroi that holds experiences and creates wellness."
        Dr. Michael Mascha