evian bottled water 
Evian Water Analysis:
Balance Still
Virginality Very Good
Minerality Medium
Orientation Neutral
Hardness Very Hard
Vintage 15 Years
TDS 357 mg/l
ph factor 7.2
Hardness 291 mg/l
Nitrate 3.8 mg/l
Calcium 78 mg/l
Magnesium 24 mg/l
Sodium 5 mg/l
Potassium 1 mg/l
Silica 14 mg/l
Bicarbonate 357 mg/l
Sulfate 10 mg/l
Chloride 5 mg/l
Source: Spring
Country of Origin: France
Region: Haute Savoie
Place: Evian-les-Bains
Established: 1826
Status: Non-Member of the Fine Water Society
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A mega brand associated with health, youth, beauty, fitness, and celebrity, Evian is the standard for still water in many trendy restaurants. It is sometimes abused to show status by using it to bathe in, and some females report a bitter metallic aftertaste when drinking Evian. At this point, its ubiquity makes it difficult to consider it a premium water.
The Marquis de Lessert discovered the Alpine source of Evian water in 1789. Before the water—which originates in the French Alps as rain and snow—reaches the source on Lake Geneva’s southern shore, it is filtered by a subterranean aquifer for fifteen years or more, picking up minerals from the glacial sand that give the water its distinctive taste. Evian today is one of the world’s most recognizable brands of bottled water.