Iceland Spring Water Analysis:
Balance Still
Virginality Superior
Minerality Super Low
Orientation Alkaline
Hardness Slightly Hard
Carbonation Added
TDS 48 mg/l
ph factor 8.7
Hardness 25 mg/l
Nitrate 1 mg/l
Calcium 4.2 mg/l
Magnesium 0.92 mg/l
Sodium 12 mg/l
Potassium 1 mg/l
Silica 13.5 mg/l
Bicarbonate 26.5 mg/l
Sulfate 2.2 mg/l
Chloride 10 mg/l
Source: Spring
Country of Origin: Iceland
Region: Reykjavík
Place: Heidmörk
Established: 1990
Company: Iceland Spring Holdings Ltd.
Status: Non-Member of the Fine Water Society
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The spring is situated on the outskirts of Reykjavi­k in a protected nature reserve called "Heiðmörk". Over 150 acres around the source is closed from unauthorized entry and the entire park is fenced to keep out animals. Iceland Spring originates in the mountains high above "Heiðmörk" as rain or snow. Through inert layers of lava rock, it trickles deep into the ground, picking up a minimum amount of soluble minerals. The water then collects in a large underground river running under the reserve's lava soil, and surfaces in intermittent springs.