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GRS Water Analysis:
Balance Still
Virginality Superior
Minerality Medium
Orientation Alkaline
Hardness Very Hard
TDS 300 mg/l
ph factor ~ 8
Hardness  200 mg/l
Nitrate 0 mg/l
Calcium 66 mg/l
Magnesium 10 mg/l
Sodium 8 mg/l
Potassium 21 mg/l
Sulfate  150 mg/l
Chloride 50 mg/l

GRS is a Member of the Fine Water Society

Source:  Lava Well Water
Country of Origin: South Korea
Region: Jeju Island
Place: Jeju
Established: 2023
Company: Qingdao Yongping Market Management Co., Ltd.
Status: Active
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phone: +82 064 746 7789
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
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Nestled on Jeju Island, South Korea—celebrated as one of the world's seven natural wonders and a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site since 2007—lies the source of GRS volcanic lava water. This pristine water originates from volcanic basalt caves situated 150 meters beneath the island's surface, a testament to Jeju's volcanic activity that began 1.2 million years ago.

The story of GRS volcanic lava water is one of serendipity and natural marvel. Approximately 30 years ago, Jeju residents, while drilling a well, stumbled upon an underwater lava tube containing this remarkable water. This discovery led the Jeju Island government to establish a lava water industrial complex. After years of meticulous development and research, GRS volcanic lava water was introduced to the market 15 years ago.

With a reserve totaling 7.1 billion cubic meters, GRS volcanic lava water is a rare gem, enriched with unique minerals from its volcanic origins. Its exceptional purity and mineral composition have garnered significant interest from the health beverage, cosmetics, and beauty industries. Recognized by UNESCO as one of the world's three rare water resources, GRS volcanic lava water stands as a symbol of Jeju Island's unique geological heritage and natural bounty.


GRS Lava Water

Designated Water for World Longevity Industry Expo 2023