Little Switzerland Water Analysis:
Balance Still
Virginality Superior
Minerality Low
Orientation Neutral
Hardness Slightly Hard
TDS 69 mg/l
ph factor 6.8
Hardness 60 mg/l
Nitrate 0.65 mg/l
Calcium 22 mg/l
Magnesium 1 mg/l
Sodium ND
Potassium ND
Silica ND
Bicarbonate 53 mg/l
Sulfate ND
Chloride ND
Source: Spring
Country of Origin: USA
Region: West Virginia
Place: Gap Mills 
Established: 1989
Company: Little Switzerland Water 
Status: Non-Member of the Fine Water Society
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Little Switzerland Water comes from limestone caves deep within Peters Mountain, West Virginia, USA.  The water is gravity fed to Sweet Springs Valley Water Co. of Gap Mills West Virginia, USA.  The water is run through state-mandated bacterial lights and bacterial filters and placed directly into the can with no alteration, additives or chemicals. 
The award-winning spring water is presented in an aluminum can. It is an environmentally friendly and superior product, made from at least 70% recycled aluminum (the most recycled beverage product of the planet). “Little Swiss” also comes with a 6-pack handle (carrying pack) made from 100% recycled plastic milk bottles. Little Swiss appeals to an environmental conscience audience.