Radenska Water Analysis:
Balance Still
Virginality Very Good
Minerality Medium
Orientation Neytral
Hardness Very Hard
TDS 373mg/l
ph factor 7.1
Hardness 228 mg/l
Nitrate 2.2 mg/l
Calcium 59 mg/l
Magnesium 20 mg/l
Sodium 7 mg/l
Potassium 1 mg/l
Bicarbonate 280 mg/l
Sulfate 1 mg/l
Chloride 5 mg/l

Radenska is a Member of the Fine Water Society

Source: Spring
Country of Origin: Slovenia
Region: Pomurje
Place: Radenci
Established: 2008
Company:  Radenska d.o.o.
Status:  Active
Web Site:  www.radenska.si
phone:  +386 (0)2 520 2020
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Social Media:     

Deep below the earth, protected against all of the external pollutions, hidden in the sediment of the former Pannonian Sea and in the diverse land structures of the north-eastern part of Slovenia, a miracle of nature is born every day in the form of spring Radenska Naturelle.

Radenska Naturelle is classified as still natural mineral water with low sodium content. It is especially beneficial for anyone who must limit their salt intake. The composition of significant mineral substances is ideal: it gives the water a harmonious and well-rounded taste.

Radenska Naturelle is distinguished by the harmony of the oligomineral water and its sensual tenderness. Its velvety taste is due to the balance of silicates and the small amounts of dissolved minerals.



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