Pure Swiss Water Analysis:
Balance Still
Virginality Superior
Minerality Medium
Orientation Alkaline
Hardness Very Hard
Temperature 42.3°F (5.7°C)
TDS 385 mg/l
ph factor 8.21
Calcium 71.2 mg/l
Magnesium 23 mg/l
Sodium 1.4 mg/l
Potassium 2.2 mg/l
Silica 3.6 mg/l
Bicarbonate 75.7 mg/l
Sulfate 200.4 mg/l
Source: Spring
Country of Origin: Switzerland
Region: Graubunden
Place: San Bernardino
Established: 2008
Status: Discontinued
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PURE SWISS mineral water starts its long journey by filtering through the high altitude peaks around the San Bernardino mountain pass. It then follows profound courses through the Triassic rock formations of the Swiss Alps, taking about three decades to reach, wholly purified and mineralized, the San Bernardino spring.
The spring is located in the town center with its ancient construction and modern establishment.
The village of San Bernardino is located in a gentle valley at the foot of the San Bernardino mountain pass and of many unpolluted mountains. Its people's respect since ancient times has ensured the San Bernardino spring special care, maintaining it untouched until our days.
As far back as Roman times, the San Bernardino spring was known not only as a great beverage, but also as a bathing water. As a matter of fact, in 1860, several wooden tubs were found that dated back to the Romans.