Machair Water Analysis:
Balance | Still |
Virginality | Superior |
Minerality | Medium |
Orientation | Neutral |
Hardness | Hard |
Vintage | |
Carbonation | |
TDS | 298 mg/l |
ph factor | 7.1 |
Hardness | 167 mg/l |
Nitrate | < 0.5 mg/l |
Calcium | 41 mg/l |
Magnesium | 16 mg/l |
Sodium | 42 mg/l |
Potassium | 6 mg/l |
Silica | |
Bicarbonate | |
Sulfate | 13 mg/l |
Chloride | |
Source: | Spring |
Location: | ![]() |
Country of Origin: | United Kingdome |
Region: | Scottland |
Place: | Isle of Lewis |
Established: | 2020 |
Company: | Machair Water |
Status: | Inactive |
Web Site: | |
phone: | |
email: | |
Social Media: |
The inspiration for Machair Water came from a book called the Healing Wells of the Western Isles by Finlay Macleod.
Machair was born from our love of the Hebrides and our passion for sharing this special water with the world. We hope to create a brand with a clear mission and strong environmental and social values.
Machair was born from our love of the Hebrides and our passion for sharing this special water with the world. We hope to create a brand with a clear mission and strong environmental and social values.
The pristine source of Machair Water can be found at Taigh à Bhealaich (House at the Pass) in Carloway on the peat-covered uplands of the Isle of Lewis. An archaeological survey of the croft identified that most of the structures on the croft dated from the 19th century but there were traces of habitation from the middle ages, and the spring would have been the main water source for these hardy islanders.
During the 19th and 20th centuries the croft was farmed by the MacArthur family, but, like many families on the island, they became part of the Gaelic diaspora and emigrated to Canada. The last MacArthur that lived in the cottage died in the early 1990s. At that time, the spring was still the main source of water and reached the cottage via a gravity-fed pipe.
Due to the age of the spring, it was not caped, and instead, a borehole alongside the spring was drilled to extract the water. The water comes from 105 meters down and is very cold when it emerges.