Clear Alaskan Glacial Water Analysis:
Balance Still
Virginality Superior
Minerality Low
Orientation Alkaline
Hardness Moderately Hard
Vintage 10,000 Years
TDS 94 mg/l
ph factor 7.9
Hardness 81 mg/l
Nitrate 0.21 mg/l
Calcium 26 mg/l
Magnesium 4.2 mg/l
Sodium 3.3 mg/l
Potassium 1 mg/l
Silica 1 mg/l
Bicarbonate 49 mg/l
Sulfate 26 mg/l
Chloride 0.8 mg/l

Clear Alaskan Glacial is a Member of the Fine Water Society

Source: Glacial Influence
Country of Origin: USA
Region: Alaska
Place: Eklutna Glacier and Lake
Established: 2010
Company: Alaska Glacier Products, LLC
Status: Active
Web Site:
phone: +1 907 688 9287 
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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The source for Clear Alaskan Glacial water is unique in that it is a above ground water source. Eklutna Lake is one of the earth’s natural wonders, formed in the melt and retreat of the great North American ice sheet at the beginning of the Holocene period 10,000 years ago.
The great Eklutna Glacier carved Eklutna valley as it retreated, leaving horizontal scarring on rock formations as evidence of its passage. Glacial and freshwater streams flowing into the valley created the 13 km–long lake. Located at 275 m elevation, in what is now a protected National Forest, Eklutna Lake is an abundant and pure source of virgin glacial water.
The brand was created out of desire to provide the world with one of Alaska's treasures, natural and abundant glacial water. Alaska is located in the worlds Arctic region in one the last remaining areas of Earth far away from industrial pollution or environmental intrusion. Alaska Brands processes the water with minimum impact upon the environment, and moves it to market on vessels that are returning to major ports with little to no cargo.


Most people love salt-cured anchovies especially high quality like Don Bocarte. Harvested between April and June from the Bay of Biscay and salt cured for eight months and hand cleaned and packed in Picual olive oil. The buttery texture and strong umami flavor pairs well with a Low Minerality water with a little higher pH and low sodium like Clear Alaskan Glacial.


Fresh (never frozen) Dover Sole is a buttery delight in this pan-fried homemade dish. Flour and egg wash provide a foundation for the freshly home-made bread crumbs that seal the fish and steam it inside the crispy crust. I was enjoying the fish with Clear Alaskan Glacial, a very low TDS water with a neutral flavor and the cold origin reminded me of the cold waters the fish was caught.

