Key Concepts

Sources of Water

The number one question I have been asked during the last 20 years by the media, consumers, and food and beverage professionals is "What is the best water." The answer is always the same, "There is no best water."

What would be the best wine? Is there the best book, film, or piece of music? We know that books are very different, films have many stories, and music is as diverse as life itself. Why do some think there might be a best water? Maybe because many people still think "water is just water."

We should enjoy water as a natural product. Its terroir is what gives it character and makes it distinct. We should enjoy the diversity of taste, mouthfeel, and story of the waters and integrate it into our epicurean experiences. After telling journalists that there is no best water, I tell them that I enjoy naturally carbonated waters with a high minerality, waters with a high silica content, the clarity and absence of distractions from iceberg waters, and still water with a medium to high minerality. My choice of water depends on my mood. Sometimes, you want to open a bottle of NEVAS to celebrate, and sometimes I want to share a remarkable source story with friends or match chocolate with ROI. There is no best water and embracing the character of water allows for great experiences.

I am so happy there is no best water as it would be boring to drink only one water. Unfortunately, this is the case when you go to a restaurant, and your only choice in most restaurants across the world is San Pellegrino and Panna. But this is a story for later.