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Callaway Blue Water Analysis:
Balance Still
Virginality Superior
Minerality Super Low
Orientation Neutral
Hardness Slightly Hard
TDS 39 mg/l
ph factor 6.9
Hardness 18 mg/l
Nitrate ND
Calcium 4 mg/l
Magnesium 2 mg/l
Sodium 1 mg/l
Potassium 1 mg/l
Bicarbonate 29 mg/l
Sulfate 1 mg/l
Chloride 1 mg/l

Callaway Blue is a Member of the Fine Water Society

Source: Spring
Country of Origin: USA
Region: Georgia
Place: Blue Springs, Hamilton
Established: 2002
Company: Pure Blue Spring Water LLC
Status Active
Web Site:
phone: +1 706 628-1000 
email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Blue Springs is nestled between Pine Mountain's two ridgelines, the southernmost mountain range in the southeast United States. The ridgeline is quartzite rock, a non-carbonite silica stone that is the most effective natural filtration. The recharge system is approximately 700 acres of pristine forest; much of it is old-growth longleaf pine that has never seen modern agriculture or timber harvesting. Four hundred gallons per minute flow is extracted by natural pressure (not pumped) to the nearby bottling plant through a 6-inch seamless plastic pipe.

Blue Springs and the surrounding watershed were purchased in 1930 by Cason Callaway and remain in the same family, now under a permanent Conservation Easement.

Soft and neutral taste, distinctive blue bottle, and a well-known legacy of the Family's conservation and stewardship are the hallmarks of the Callaway Blue brand.